LawInSport Academy Mentoring Scheme
How To Apply - Mentee
Each applicant should submit a short (1 page) C.V. and a cover letter addressing the minimum requirements and setting out why they would like to be a mentee.
Applicants will not be treated more favourably because they are more highly qualified, or have obtained qualifications from an institution considered to be superior from another. So long as the minimum requirement is met, all applicants will be considered.
Depending on the number of applications received it may be necessary for applicants to attend a short (10-15 minute) skype interview.
Applications must be received by no later than the 31 March 2018. Applications should be sent to
Mentoring Scheme
The LawInSport Academy Mentoring Scheme is organised and run by LawInSport with the help of volunteers.
Mentees will:
- Engage in a week’s work experience/shadowing opportunity for their Mentor at a mutually convenient time during the year.
- Meet with their mentor on at least two further occasions during the year for coffee, lunch or over phone/Skype to discuss the mentee’s progress and provide general advice and mentoring;
Participate and engage with other mentees; - Write at least one blog article during their year for publication for LawInSport (whether written with the mentor or otherwise);
- Draft a short (i.e. 2 paragraphs) report about how the scheme worked out, and exchange it. LawInSport will have the right to republish any part of that report in a longer piece about the scheme.
At present it is envisaged the scheme will be limited to between 10-20 mentees each year.