Farrer & Co LLP
The passion and expectation of fans all over the world, high-value sponsorship deals and exciting commercial opportunities: we are immersed in every aspect of the world of sport and work closely with national governing bodies, major commercial clubs and organisations, high-profile sports men and women, and international federations. Our client base has its roots among many of the UK’s largest national governing bodies, spanning a multitude of sports including football, athletics, cricket, rugby, tennis, golf, rowing, swimming, and we are longstanding advisers to the British Olympic Association.
The level of scrutiny amongst the media and the general public on the issues of governance, integrity and safeguarding in sport has never been higher. We are the natural choice for national governing bodies and clubs because of our particular expertise across all of these areas. Our specialists are well versed at putting in place the measures organisations need to manage their risks as effectively as possible, whether around safeguarding, doping, match-fixing or corruption. We regularly advise bodies in receipt of public funding on compliance issues related to the Code for Sports Governance
We advise household name sports clubs and businesses, and national governing bodies across all their activities from employment law, property, sponsorship and commercial agreements. We work with sports clients on high profile litigation, contractual and regulatory disputes, reputation management, and disputes around selection and disciplinary proceedings. We regularly advise on large scale commercial contracts for sports rights holders, as well on branding, intellectual property and reputation management issues. We also advise both lenders and borrowers on the complex field of financing structures for sports organisations, where the security can be property or other collateral such as revenue streams.
We have close relationships with well-known agents, and act for numerous high-profile sports men and women. We are able to bring to bear our expertise as one of the leading private client law firms in the country and regularly advise athletes on personal tax and trusts issues, property matters, sensitive questions of reputation, harassment/blackmail, family law and philanthropy; as well as professional concerns around sponsorship, image rights and immigration issues.
- Street: 66 Lincoln's Inn Fields
- Postcode: WC2A 3LH
- City: London
- Country: United Kingdom
- Telephone: +44 (0)20 3375 7192
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Website: https://www.farrer.co.uk/clients-and-sectors/not-for-profit/sport/
Tom Bruce
Partner- +44 (0)20 3375 7192
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - https://www.farrer.co.uk/people/tom-bruce/
Julian Pike
Partner- +44 (0)20 3375 7217
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - https://www.farrer.co.uk/people/julian-pike/