A new dawn? How India Is Regulating Online Gaming & Fantasy Sports
According to a report released by KPMG, gamechilling, a trend has seen a significant rise in India with lockdowns and work from home models.[1] The Indian online gaming market saw a drastic increase in the revenue contribution of the gaming industry at rupees 60 billion. This comes at a time when the legality of online gambling and fantasy sports is a contentious issue. With state governments banning online-gambling while courts declaring such laws violate the provisions of the Indian Constitution: the legal landscape of online-gambling remains uncertain. This article attempts to decode, explain and analyse the recent developments on this front.
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- Tags: Betting | Cricket | Fantasy Sport | Football | Gambling | Governance | India | Online Gambling | Regulation
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Written by
Eashwari Nair
Currently, a lawyer at Koo, an Indian micro-blogging social media platform. Whether it is running or playing basketball, being physically active is inherently part of my routine. As a mentee with LawInSport, I have had the fortunate privilege of understanding the intersection of law and sports. When I am not a lawyer, you can find me playing the ukulele, reading or running.