Can you “temporarily step down” from an employment role? A view on Craig Bellamy’s position
On 3 January 2019 news broke that Craig Bellamy, Cardiff City’s under 18s coach had “temporarily removed” himself from his “coaching position” in order to cooperate with the club’s inquiry into allegations of bullying and xenophobia. He “categorically refute[s]” the allegations and said that he “fully expect[s] to return to [his] coaching role.” He also stated that he had taken legal advice.1
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- Tags: Athlete Welfare | Employment | Employment Tribunal | Football | National Minimum Wage Act 1998 | Wales
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Written by
Katherine Apps
Katherine Apps, 39 Essex Chambers
Katherine is a barrister specialising in sports law, employment law, EU law, public and regulatory law at 39 Essex Chambers. She is a member of 39 Essex Sports law group and is also a member of Sports Resolutions National Safeguarding Panel and Sports Resolutions Integrity and Discipline, Discrimination and Commercial Disputes Panels. She has a particular interest in safeguarding in sport, anti-discrimination, governance issues and international and EU law issues in sporting disputes.